PortMaster II USB

9 300.00 Р (155 $)
On backorder


PortMaster II is an interface between your computer and your transceiver. For connection to PC requires cable USB A-USB B. For connection to the transceiver requires an interface cable designed for your transceiver. After installing the driver, the computer found this device as four independent virtual COM ports. The purpose of each of the ports is fixed and is designed to control the transceiver.

Main features of Port Master II

* Connect to your computer with a single USB cable.

* Connect to the transceiver with a single 15-pin cable.

•Does not require separate PSU, +5V power supply from computer USB

* Indication of operating modes-CAT, PTT, CW, FSK

* Separate additional COM port (RS-232) to connect any devices.

* Supports SAT interface with the most common transceivers

YAESU, ICOM, KENWOOD, Ten-Tec, his elecraft

* Built-in paddle key with speed controller and sign element memory, with the ability to turn on the transmitter by pressing the key.

* Galvanic isolation of audio signals through transformers.

•Input for connection of a pedal

•TxGND signal output for transmitter control

* Works under most Amateur programs, easy to set up.

•Compatible with Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/8/10

* Metal box, shielded, dimensions


Attention!!! The connection cable is sold separately!!!

Прикрепленные файлы

Инструкция по эксплуатации (portmasrerII.pdf, 1,683 Kb) [Download]

Программа com-info для определения портов (com-info.zip, 268 Kb) [Download]

Программа com-info для определения портов (com-info.rar, 267 Kb) [Download]

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